I am still trying to draw a rainbow with one color crayon, however, I wanted to share with you the depth and extent that weekends class had on my soul. I thank you my dear teacher, friend, guide, and spiritual sister. I sat basking in the appreciation being poured out for you in that small but remarkably expansive Reiki room. A place where the four walls disappear to reveal beauty and freedom that knows no boundaries. I too wanted to stay and never leave, which is how I feel almost every time I am in your Studio surrounded by like minded seekers and fellow healers stretching into new heights, dimensions and exploring the unknown. As the words are inadequate know that my soul is smiling and holding a piece of all of us and moving upward and outward. It is an amazing time - I remain forever connected to that which you are willing to share and let us be a part of. You have blessed us all in ways too many to count and too new to fully understand. My respect for you is beyond the scope of all that I know.
"My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness"
II Cor. 12:9
Pastor Debra Linton
lintondebra@gmail.com Calvary/Centennial Memorial UMC - Cooperative Parish
8 West Second Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701www.centennial-umc.org
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world . . .the Master calls a butterfly." Richard Bach
Dear Harriet,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for an amazing HF experience. So grateful that I could be a part of it and, as always, so grateful God put you in my path.
Peace & Blessings,
Mary Frances
Medium / Reiki Master Practitioner
Should you need directions or have questions. Please call me at